Monday, October 31, 2011

Twitter:finished story

Anchor in: Twitter has become one of the main networking sites very recently, rachel found out what some students around Eastview had to say about this.

Anchor out: Thanks Rachel, I'll have to get an account soon, so I can get a look at this fun newtworking site.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Opening Activity 10-11-11

1. I already knew to get a variety of shots, all different kinds of them. I also already knew to get lots of extra footage.
2.I learned to get plenty of natural sounds in the video. I also learned to get more unusual shots because it will make the shot a lot more interesting.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Opening Activity 10-10-11

1. What is the angle in the Pumped for Pumpkins story?
  The angle is in the eye of travis the guy that grew the pumpkins.
2. Give two examples of short sound bites from the story.
  "I named this one chubacka"
   "You can't murder a pumpkin"
3. Give an example of sequenced shots.
   While he is caring for the pumpkin in the garden. far away shots, close up shots of the pumpkin.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Opening Activity 10-7-11

1. What is the role of the reporter's seques in this story?
   To connect the interviews together, making it with emotional fillers.
2. Why do you think she did not include a stand-up in the story?
   I think she did not include a stand-up because shayna was the emphasis to it.
3. What is the biggest surprise in the story?
   I think the biggest surprise is that she lived.
4. How does the story end with hope?
   It ends with hope by showing that the baby survived and she's moving on with her life healthy.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Opening Activity 10-6-11

Steve Jobs who was the creator of Apple just passed away last night from cancer. It's a very sad death considering all of the things he brought to new technonlogy. He opened up a lot of things that made our technology into what it is today.